We’ll Tell You What’s Your Personality Based On The Style Of Your Desk

sleek chic industrial wooden study desk

Giving your study area or home office a much needed revamp? 

It might seem like all you need is your laptop and a surface to start working from home, but the work environment can affect your productivity level significantly! From the level of comfort, colours, style and material, everyone has their own preferred style. 

When you work in a space that you love, it’ll inspire and motivate you to work even harder! 

Do you work better with a messy desk? Or a super organized one? We’ll tell you which one of the five categories you fall into based on how your home office looks! 

Source: Pinterest

The Clean and Minimalist

Spotless and all-white, you’ll probably find only a pen and just a laptop on the desk with a few books. Having a clear desktop declutters your mind and allows you to think clearer too! 

The Clean and Minimalist is one who loves all things simple and classic – things that never go out of style. They’re also pretty content with the things they have, and appreciate all the small things in life.


Study Tables

Pennie Teak Console


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Console Tables

Shelley Teak Console


Source: Pinterest

The Messy and Creative

Stacks of paper or piled-up books can be found lying on the study table, along with lots of other random items. It looks messy, but they always know exactly where to find the item they’re looking for. Besides, studies also suggest that a messy desk is good for a creative person as it helps them to break out of the norm! 

The Messy and Creative find comfort in unfamiliar environments, and love going on spontaneous adventures. They’re the ones who see beauty in mess and are able to create something beautiful out of it! They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty and messy!

Source: Pinterest

The Down To Business

All the office essentials can be seen – paper trays, staplers, pencil holders etc. This home office is almost a replica of an office with its serious and official vibe!

The Down To Business enjoy the luxuries life has to offer, dining in places with a good glass of wine. They’re always dressed smartly for the occasion, even if it’s just a quick trip to the nearby shopping mall. They’re also well-prepared and nothing seems to faze them! 

Dining Chairs

Barrel Teak Arm Chair


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Source: Pinterest

The Vanity Queen

Why have a desk purely for work when you can double it up as a vanity table too! Mirrors, vanity items and a comfy chair is all it takes to double up your home desk for a vanity area! The perfect solution especially for homes that do not have space for a study room. 

The Vanity Queen knows how to look their best at all times. Even after a long, tiring day at work, they will still be looking fresh!

Source: Pinterest

The Organizer

Everything is in its rightful place, in an organizer or a holder with nothing lying around the desk. If you borrowed anything, make sure to put it back into its place or you’ll be found out pretty soon!  

The Organizer has everything neatly organized, and you’ll never find them without an itinerary when travelling overseas. You can always rely on them for the directions to the new cafe or a new nature park you’re visiting together!

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