Top 10 Superman Quotes For A Motivational Monday

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Which is your favourite Superman quote? 


  1. ‘Hope is like your car keys. Easy to lose, but if you dig around, it’s usually close by.’
  2. “So many of our dreams seem impossible, they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will they soon become inevitable.” 
  3. “It’s not about where you were born or the powers you have or what you wear in your chest; it’s about what you do.”
  4. “Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later.”
  5. “With great power comes great responsibility.”
  6. “The only way to know how strong you are is to keep testing your limits.”
  7. “You’re much stronger than you think you are, trust me.”
  8. “You’re going to change the world.”
  9. “No matter where you go in life there’s always going to be the one person that wants to bring you down, so stay strong and face your problems instead of running away.”
  10. “You will be different, sometimes you’ll feel like an outcast, but you’ll never be alone.”
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