10 Nostalgic Items All 1980s’ Singaporean Kids Would Know

10 Nostalgic Items All 1980s’ Singaporean Kids Would Know

Everything’s good until the realization that there’s no way to ‘ctrl+z’ sets in. Here are 10 other items that will bring back the feeling of nostalgia for all the 1980s’ Singaporeans kids!

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Khong Guan Biscuits

These tin biscuits used to dominate the mama shop under HDB flats. Sold be weight, it’s a joy when your parents let you pick out your favourite ones! 

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Void Decks

You’ll always see elderly gathering around the void deck, either simply chit-chatting or playing a game of chinese chess. 


Study Tables

Pennie Teak Console


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Console Tables

Shelley Teak Console


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Remember that heart-pounding moment as you make your move and wait to see if you’ve successfully won your opponent? Ah, the simple joy without the need for technology and internet back then! 

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Ice Pops

These mama shop ice pops were the go-to dessert to cool down in the sweltering heat! These definitely never gets old! 

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Before handphones were a common sight, these payphones is the only tool to call your friends when you’re out of the house. How convenient it really is with handphones now – everyone is just a call or a text away! 

Dining Chairs

Barrel Teak Arm Chair


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Fast Delivery

Fast Delivery

Fast Delivery

Fast Delivery
Fast Delivery
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Bus Ticketing Machine

Put coins in and collect your bus ticket! Still remember seeing those tickets being stuck to the back of the bus seats? 

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Glass Bottled Soda

And that’s when the skill of opening bottled soda drinks with a spoon is mastered. 

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Floppy Disk

These floppy disk are giant compared to usb sticks and memory cards now!

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Dressing Tables

Hernando Teak Mirror


Fast delivery

Dressing Tables

Teryn Teak Mirror


Dressing Tables

Camey Teak Mirror


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Ready Stock

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Cassette Tape

Walking around with a sony’s walker was the coolest thing back in those days! 

Source: Pinterest

Stamp Collection 

Before chasing Kpop band groups was popular, collecting stamps was a popular hobby back then! Collectors even exchange stamps with one another!

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